Know-how for architectural offices and project developers

OPENLY is a constantly evolving bionic building system modeled on the ingenuity of nature. To amplify our impact, we share our knowledge globally.

Use the OPENLY building system for your competition entry.

Valley Widnau Events
& guided tours


From June 2024, we will be holding the OPENLY Academy every 2 months. Architects, specialist planners and building owners who want to plan and build with the OPENLY construction system are invited.

All participants of the 2-day academy are then free to use OPENLY Data with all fire protection certificates, purchase costs and proof of building permits. Day courses can also be held at your premises for groups of 5 or more participants. Worldwide.

Day 1 / Course location: 9443 Widnau SG, Switzerland
PICTURE - see & touch

Spend a day in an OPENLY. We start with the why? and end the day with the how? You will get an overview of the construction system, current challenges in planning your project and the philosophy behind radically sustainable buildings.

In addition to an extensive tour of OPENLY Valley Widnau where you can see and understand all the components, the mastermind of longevity Willem Bruijn will give a guest lecture.

Cost per course day/person: 650 CHF/EUR excl. VAT, incl. lunch

Day 2 Online

How are CO₂ and life cycle assessments of buildings and building materials calculated? Our life cycle assessment specialist Christoph Neururer introduces you to the topic with a look at the global carbon cycle from a macro perspective, natural carbon sinks and sources as well as the human influence and that of the construction industry.

Learn much more about the CO₂ balance of building materialsand how an LCA(life cycle analysis) of a building is calculated and how the circular economy can succeed.

Professor Simone Stürwald will give you an overview of the currently most innovative load-bearing structures (with clay and other building materials) and give you a toolbox to take home with you.

Cost per course day/person: 650 CHF/EUR excl. VAT

Our deep dives for those who want more:

Tag Online

Building control / Natural ventilation

OPENLY System & OPENLY Airbox

Technology update - how it is possible to dispense with a ventilation system in buildings and heat with minimal effort.

What are the ingredients for PlusEnergy?
How does the interaction between PV, storage, heating and consumption control work? We call it House as a Software.

On this day, they receive a comprehensive technology update, see the systems with their own eyes and can work with the software themselves. After this training day, you will be fit to move HVAC specialist planners in the right direction.

Cost per course day/person: 650 CHF/EUR excl. VAT

Bionic building materials

Visit buildings and construction sites with us where earth building, hempcrete, biochar concrete and other sustainable building materials have been and are being used in practice. You will gain an insight into the latest timber construction production methods and learn many relevant details for your building project in practice.

Course location varies, depending on available construction sites. The program always includes a visit to a modern timber construction company.

Cost per course day/person: 650 CHF/EUR excl. VAT, incl. lunch

Then sign up for our architecture pool!